the above illo is the end result of a sketch i previously blogged here. you can see a detail of her face in my portfolio.
the fashion section of my online portfolio has been updated. and my links section as well. it's harder and harder to keep up with all the amazing new artists out there showing off in cyberspace, but i do my best to show a sampling of my favorites. and now, it's promo season here in illoland, just in case i wasn't busy this december ^_^
"Pencil KaCe is the collaborative handiwork of Kerrigan Kessler of KTK Handmade and Cybèle of Cybèle Illustration. Each KaCe is made from scratch, with material hand-printed using silkscreens of original drawings, and then hand-sewn. The clever engineering and the beautiful design of this small bag make it a stylish and versatile accompaniment to your daily routine. Use it for your art supplies, your cosmetics or any of your odds and ends."
please view the designs that will be available at the gallery hanahou debut show below
i will also have a giclee available at the gallery hanahou debut show you may preview it here
my illustration portfolio at has been updated in the "lifestyle" section. more updates on the way. i am busy with some fun new projects at the mo'. to come when they are finished/published: work for subaru, work for teen magazine and the cosmogirl holiday card (i'm especially excited about this one). i just finished up some stuff for an educational publication in canada and am working on a US one now.
i usually have some personal work kicking around when i am less busy (see above - i like to print out my computer-y sketches, scribble on them and use them as guides as i go along - otherwise i can never remember all the things i want to change or add.) and i am still trying to get the site functioning more smoothly. sorry it's crap on a PC right now. i don't mean for it to be, i just don't have a PC to do an quality assurance on.
hello. bonjour. konnichiwa. in order to up my creativity quotient, i have started a new website to separate the illustration work i do to entertain myself as opposed to my professional illustration. my personal work can be seen in a bare bones website i am still working on called cybelicious. and i have a new blog to go with it. my illo friday images and other experimentation will be shown on the new blog and website. this blog will return to what it was orginally; more about my professional work with the occasional commentary about my love of new york city and travel.
(you can click on the above pic for a larger view)
i was dismayed to see this new york times' article about the kapalua bay resort on maui getting ready to be mowed down and built into timeshares. not that i could ever afford to stay in such a place, but i think it's unfortunate that such a lovely piece of architecture is being torn down. and a hotel gives the average joe more of a chance to experience a glamourous bit of hawaiian paradise than a timeshare does. the reason i even know about this place is because i did some work for starwood hawaiian hotels a few years back and was flown out to the hotels and resorts i was to illustrate. it was a great job in that way because, having never been to hawaii before, i could not possibly understand what it feels like to be there through the stay-at-home kind of research. this resort's central building was built in the '70s and is modern, but i think it would have stood the test of time. there are no doors or windows and as you walk into the lobby, you feel little removed from all the surrounding nature. also, the buildings are set way back from the water, so if you go down to the beach or just sit on the lawn, you don't have a big building hovering over you. anyway, i was sad to hear something pretty, albeit mostly only attainable for the upper crust, was being replaced by something unpretty and still for the wealthy.
this is a doodle that i did yesterday and today while researching for a new project i'm doing for the texas roller girls.
***i have reposted this image because i just noticed blogger is converting my GIFs to JPGs. ew! vector work looks horrid via JPGs, so i am no longer loading my images through their image loader until i can figure out why it's working that way.
les papillons
an illustration friday topic coincidence, i just finished this spring-y pic this week.
my language for "friday" this time is slovenian, since i was just there. it's one of those places where i had to go there to get language books on the language. i had this problem with estonia before i went there. couldn't find estonian - english dictionaries anywhere in the states. now it's my new collection thing; to make sure i have language books from all the countries i've been to.
it's nice to post again. this was a particularly fun illo friday word. i've been away traveling again. this time i was in northern italy and slovenia. a nice switch to be europe after so much time in asia, but yay! in a few months it's back to tokyo again!
this weeks doodle for illustration friday. since it's fashion month, my subject is my four favorite models.
clockwise from left: inguna butane, maria dvirnik, jovita, and milagros schmoll.
after this past autumn, my beloved new york city decided a climate of psycho winds alternating with abnormally warm weather was in order. i dislike winter anyway, but i love wearing sweaters and have only done so about three times this season. seriously. so i don't mind we are having a blizzard right now. except when i have to take out the dog.
here's a look at my spring promo (above) that recently went out through my agents three in a box. also, i've updated my website with new images in the fashion section and a new splashpage (mini version below).
i used this doodle to see the difference between my lines and adobe illustrator's ink brushes. i can see which are which but i don't think anyone else would know. however, maybe it's not a fair test. there are only three main computer generated ink lines (the strand of her hair, her hairline between her forehead and ear, and her jacket) and the rest of the lines are converted from my scanned sketch (and are slightly altered by the live trace filter). maybe if the whole image had computer generated ink brush contours one could see the repetition of using the same brush filter. it doesn't matter anyway. i will continue to ink my images with brush and ink because i think it's fun. i guess it's nice to know adobe is a decent substitute.
this week's illustration friday submission. this is a character to a story i will never write. but i like to draw her and her dog pack.
my husband thinks this is a weird image, but i stand by it.
posting from my trip abroad was a bust. i was reminded on my journey that i'd rather experience everything than record it. i think the memory is an underused recording device these days. i have exciting news, my work has been published with my fellow representees of the CWC agency in a beautiful new illustration book called, "illustration a la mode". the cover is pictured above displaying tina berning's work.