05 December 2012

Grey Fox

illustration by cybele
painting on paper with Japanese watercolors.

12 November 2012

Map of DUMBO

(click the image for bigger version)
I drew this map to show my favorite things in one of my favorite neighborhoods; DUMBO, Brooklyn.  The map was finished shortly before Storm Sandy ravaged the city.  So far it sounds like DUMBO is going bounce back but it's going to take a lot of support. If you have a fondness for this neighborhood as well, you can check out dumbonyc.com to keep tabs on restoration progress and ways to help!

25 October 2012

Finished Rooster

illustration by cybele
Finished painting of a Chantecler rooster done in Japanese waterbased pigments and Italian cotton paper.

illustration by cybele
Detail of line work.

15 October 2012

October COSMO

illustration by cybele
Men in uniform, as seen in the October issue of Cosmopolitan magazine.

03 October 2012

Chantecler Rooster

illustration by cybele
Working on a side project using Japanese waterbased pigments and Italian cotton paper.

13 September 2012

My illo in 'They Draw & Cook for Kids' e-book

I have a featured illustration in the new They Draw & Cook for Kids e-book for iBooks2 on the iPad.  It's a really fun little app that is great for teaching kids how to make healthy meals at home.

"They Draw & Cook for Kids contains 20 illustrated recipes that are easy to make and yummy to eat. This book is a very fun way to introduce kids to cooking. They Draw & Cook for Kids is published by Nate Padavick and Salli Swindell, the creators of the websites They Draw & Cook and They Draw & Travel. "

Here is a link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/they-draw-cook-for-kids/id560909821?mt=11

10 September 2012

August COSMO

The language of hugs, as seen in the August issue of Cosmopolitan magazine.

26 April 2012

hello spring!

illustration by cybele
Let's go outside!

19 April 2012


illustration by cybele
illustration by cybele
I have several illustrations in the May 2012 issue of Cosmopolitan showing exercise sets, how to create a halter top from a scarf, and the new discovered anatomy of the clitoris.

30 March 2012

more illustrated recipes

(click the image for bigger version)
Yet another entry for the drawing and cooking blog, They Draw and Cook.  This recipe used a Kraft brand recipe and product.