the ease of blogging makes it easy for me to procrastinate updating my website (not that i've been updating my blog lately). on the other hand, i like how the blog makes me want to update it all the time - i.e., i sketch more often trying to come up with postable images. well, here's one. just inks right now. i'm going to play with the whole vector/ink/trace deal some more. and my site is updated. pretty much everywhere, little nips and tucks.
i went to the semi-permanent conference(?) this past weekend. i've never done one of those events before. the speakers were interesting but it's hard to sit in a dark theatre for mucho hours two days in a row. i thought it would be a space where i could doodle while i listened to the presentations. i fidget too much to sit still for so long. fafi was my favorite speaker. i liked her matter-of-factness. plus i had recently bought a drawing of hers, and it's always nice to get to hear the voice of someone who's art you own.