29 July 2005

hair of a boy

while bumbling about nyc's financial district looking for a new mobile phone, i saw this asian guy with the most impressive hair. he managed to successfully put together a fauxhawk and shaggy caesar mix. in my hurried sketch he looks sort of emo or goth. really he was sporting the 'i'm a rich hipster' thing.

28 July 2005

promo season part II

i'm on someone else's promo. *grin*
my friends, the talented artists and photographers, tiffany walling mcgarity and john mcgarity have a new agent, veritas management. i was tickled to find out that images from a few photo shoots i posed for are on the veritas website and their new promo card. check out their work at their website and on the agency website. i'm the chick in the red hat and pink hat (tiffany likes to stick these vintage hats on my noggin') in the 'wallingmcgarity' section of veritas under 'portfolio'. i'm also pink capped at the very bottom of their promo shown here. and! from the pink hat photo shoot, the red piebald dachshund is really my pup, nathan. (and yes, he really had a cage on his leg back then.) i love having stylish friends adept at lighting and retouching.

22 July 2005

"This is Your Chance!" 2oo5

this year i got to help judge the annual illustration contest, "This is Your Chance!", hosted by (one of my agents) CWC Tokyo.
check out this year's finalists.

21 July 2005

promo season

i got my one of my fall promotional projects finished. i'll post them when they're printed. in the meantime, here's a image that i liked that didn't make the cut:

16 July 2005

more live trace

having an idea block for my latest promo due in less than two weeks, i decided to spend my time experimenting some more with my inkings style vs. live trace in CS2. with these i made my inks a little tighter as best i could, and where i couldn't i just touched them up in photoshop after scanning them. this time, after applying live trace to the inks i was even more pleased with the conversion than last time. i was even surprised to find the default conversion was my favorite. different than last time, i kept the entire vectorized image. (usually i dump the vectorized contours and keep just the white areas which i then color - so it ends up vector colors over bitmapped contour lines.) the file sizes of these two are grossly smaller than the other way i do this style of illo but i still prefer the output of the other ones. they seem more luminous or something. i'm sure i'm the only one who can see the difference.
and here are the results:

this one was actually another thought i had for a bastille day illo.
july and france always makes me think of cherry earrings.

ten points if you can find the bunny.

14 July 2005

14 Juillet

bonjour. happy bastille day! voici un autre dessin.

i love my neighborhood. i live in a brooklyn historic district called clinton-hill. it's full of mansions from the founding family of the pratt institute and about every other style of house. today when i walked out the door to get a baguette, there was live african drum music a half block away at a playgound. they were performing african dance for the kids (and anyone else). how great! i get to walk around and do my errands with a soundtrack. it reminded me of bali were gamelan drifted through air constantly. what a nice day.

10 July 2005

more doodle

i was dreaming of lollipops. more gouache.

08 July 2005

des griffonnages

these were done with sumi ink and gouache in my sketchbook.

07 July 2005

ephemeral nyc

even when an art show is going on for several months in my own city, i can still manage to be so busy i miss it. a new year's resolution in the making. in this spirit, here are a couple summer things that shouldn't be missed.
at the japan society, the takashi murakami curated "little boy" exhibit is only open for a few more weeks (ends 24 july). despite it's lack of groovisions art this time, i like "little boy" even better than the "superflat" show i saw in LA years ago. also not to be missed, the chiho aoshima murals inside the union square subway station and the chinatsu ban sculpture at central park.
today was the opening for the swoon installation at deitch projects (through 13 august). my favorite part was the subway hallway and how you sort of rode the subway from the airless city room to the hyper air-conditioned coney island room.
for those you who like the williamsburg scene, don't miss john mcgarity's show of new works opening 15 july and showing through 14 august at brooklyn fireproof.
and while this isn't ephemeral (although it's contents can be), i'm excited and dismayed about the new new york branch of giant robot's store. i'm only dismayed because now that it's in my state i have start paying new york city sales tax (8.625%) on orders. otherwise, yippee!!